SR 292 / SR 173 (Blue Angel Pkwy) to SR 727 (S. Fairfield Dr)

SR 292 S.R. 173 (Blue Angel Pkwy.) to S.R. 727 (S. Fairfield Dr.)

Service(s) Provided



FDOT District 3

Project Dates

September 2017 - Present


$1.5 Million

SR 292 (Sorrento Rd./Gulf Beach Hwy.) in Escambia County, is being considered for widening from a two-lane undivided to a four-lane divided urban typical section with bike lanes and sidewalks that will link Blue Angel Parkway to Navy Boulevard. This project includes a bridge replacement over a tidally influenced waterway. This is a two-phase PD&E study. Stage 1 included a Feasibility Study to provide documented information necessary to determine fatal flaws, logical termini, purpose and need, and corridors or alternatives that meet the performance metrics identified in the purpose and need. The second phase is completion of a Type II CE PD&E study to evaluate and document the alternatives from the feasibility phase.