US 41 Arterial FRAME Systems Manager Project
US 41 Arterial FRAME Systems Manager Project
Service(s) Provided
FDOT District 1
Project Dates
07/29/2019 - 12/31/2019
As a Task Work Order under Metric’s DW Traffic Operations ITS Consultant contract, this project (as part of Florida’s Regional Advanced Mobility Elements (FRAME)) will deploy with connected and automated safety applications along the US 41 corridor (34 miles; 71 signals total) from South of Woods Edge Parkway to north of Lake Fairways Boulevard in Lee County. This project is in support of FDOT’s District 1 goal to improve safety and mobility along US 41, especially since US 41 is parallel to I-75 and serves as a detour route during incident management. All signals are interconnected (except for two new signals) with Econolite Advance Traffic Controller (ATC) (version range 2.58 and 2.64) and Lee County has 60 ASC 3 (TS2, 1) and 3 Cobalt’s (ATC/TS2, 1). Metric is designing and implementing this project by utilizing the System Manager approach to ensure design consistency as well as seamless integration with District 1 and Lee County. Metric is evaluating the connection of the CV technologies and supplemental applications to the existing Lee County’s ATMS and FDOT District 1’s SunGuide®. Our staff will evaluate and determine optimal locations for Roadside Units (RSUs), as well as integration and compatibility of CV applications to support such as Signal Phasing and Timing (SPaT) and Passive Pedestrian Protection. As part of our evaluation, we will include recommendations for hardware upgrade needs, including but not limited to switches, firewalls, servers, cell modems, edge computing devices and controllers, to local agency infrastructure to support CV technology. Finally, we will identify MAP requirements and any other applicable CV applications as well as identify security requirements for both software and hardware. Metric will update the RITSA and develop a ConOps, System Validation Plan (SV), SEMP, high-level cost estimates, and CV equipment procurement analysis. Stakeholder coordination will play a vital role in this project. As part of this project, we are providing similar services for the US 98 CV Pilot Project where Metric is also conducting a “test/pilot” along four intersections of US 98. The results and findings will be applied to the US 41 FRAME deployment.
First Connect Vehicles project hosted by FDOT District 1.