FDOT District 2 RTMC Operations

FDOT District 2 RTMC Operations

Service(s) Provided

TMC Operations


FDOT District 2

Project Dates


The Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC) utilizes Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to monitor major roadways in Northeast Florida. The function of the RTMC is to gather information from law enforcement, individual motorist reports, traffic detection devices, and cameras on the roadways, and use that data to coordinate effective responses to traffic incidents. We also assist the motoring public by providing information on traffic conditions, dispatching Road Rangers to help motorists who are in need of assistance, safely and efficiently managing crashes, and performing emergency response support functions during major incidents (i.e. Hurricane Matthew).

The RTMC Operator coordinates with law enforcement and partnering agencies to manage incidents, uses customized software to monitor conditions throughout the region, and maintains detailed accounts of events. Operators currently utilize cutting edge technology to manage and monitor traffic signal synchronization and roadway conditions, mitigating congestion thru ICM (Integrated Corridor Management )and Express Lanes management. Future projects on the horizon for the RTMC include such advanced technology as  Automated Vehicle Integration.